Movement Is About Connection (#4 of “x”)

From the moment a baby learns to move it’s head, it gains the ability to establish connection with others. Sadly so much of our fitness culture has turned movement into a practice of shame and isolation...a practice of preparing ourselves to be presentable to others. But biologically, movement has the opposite purpose. Movement allows a baby to crawl toward a caregiver. The movement of tentative first steps never has to be perfect for a caregiver to erupt in joy.

Movement does not have to be done with people to foster connection. Solitary movement may help us recharge and reflect so that we can reconnect and serve others. For those of use who are used to thinking in binary terms of good and bad, it might be helpful to think of it as a spectrum. At what point is a solitary activity, giving life and fuel to our relationships. At what point, does it cross into a space where we lose sight of others and the hope of connection?

What are ways that your relationship with movement has helped you connect with others? What are ways it has left you feeling disconnected?


Movement is about Protection (#5 of “x”)


Learning to Befriend Your Body (#3 of “x”)